Eiti prie turinio

Code of Conduct

This Longavia Code of Conduct for Employees and Suppliers serves as a comprehensive guide for ethical behavior and compliance at Longavia, aiming to foster a culture of integrity and transparency. All employees and suppliers are required to read, understand, and commit to strictly following this Code to maintain the highest standards of business conduct and corporate responsibility.

    1. The Longavia Code of Conduct for Employees and Suppliers, referred to herein as the “Code,” outlines the comprehensive standards and expectations for behavior, ethics, and corporate responsibility at Longavia, applicable to both employees and suppliers. This Code aligns with EU and international legislation, and sector best practices specific to the transportation, logistics and freight forwarding industry. It is pivotal in fostering a transparent, ethical, and sustainable business environment conducive to compliance and operational excellence.
    2. The foundational principles of this Code are progress, quality, efficiency and safety. Our reputation as a reliable and sustainable company is built on the pillars of strong, ethical relationships with employees, business partners, customers, regulatory bodies and the general public. 
    3. This Code underscores our unwavering commitment to integrity, professionalism, and full compliance with all relevant laws and standards, forging a pathway to sustained success and trust.
    1. The primary objectives of this Code are to promote and maintain high standards of ethical behavior, corporate responsibility, and integrity across our operations, ensuring that employees and suppliers:
      1. Operate with transparency, honesty, and integrity in all business dealings and relationships.
      2. Protect and promote the interests of Longavia and its stakeholders, including shareholders, customers, partners, and employees. 
      3. Comply with legal and ethical standards and best practices pertinent to the transportation, logistics, and freight forwarding sectors. 
      4. Foster a culture of transparency and accountability, encouraging honest behavior and deterring unethical practices. 
      5. Address and mitigate legal and reputational risks. 
      6. Contribute positively to the broader social and environmental responsibilities of Longavia. 
      7. Promote continuous improvement and uphold corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives.
  1. SCOPE
    1. This Code applies to all entities within Longavia group and sets forth the expectations for:
      1. All employees at every organizational level, from senior management to entry-level positions.
      2. External stakeholders, including contractors, suppliers, and clients engaged with Longavia.
      3. Consultants, volunteers, interns, casual workers, and agency workers affiliated with Longavia.
      4. Board members, shareholders, and any individuals rendering support or services to Longavia.
    1. Employees at Longavia, along with the company and its suppliers, have a shared responsibility to adhere to legal compliance standards. This includes:
      1. Employees must keep themselves updated on the laws and regulations relevant to their roles and operational areas, ensuring that their actions align with legal requirements.
      2. In situations where there is uncertainty about compliance requirements, employees are encouraged to seek guidance from their supervisors, legal advisors, or the compliance department to ensure adherence to regulations.
      3. Dedication to non-discriminatory and fair operational standards is paramount for employees to uphold workplace safety and promote the well-being of their colleagues.
      4. Maintaining the principles of fairness, transparency, and ethical business conduct is a core expectation for employees to build trust and integrity in their professional interactions.
      5. All employees must ensure that their business activities comply with local, national, and international regulations to mitigate the risk of legal consequences and uphold the company's reputation for ethical practices.
    1. Longavia is deeply committed to minimizing its environmental impact and adhering to sustainable business practices. 
    2. Employee environmental obligations:
      1. Employees at Longavia are required to uphold stringent environmental responsibilities as outlined in this Code of Conduct.
      2. Following environmentally responsible procedures and continually seeking improvements in environmental performance are mandatory for all employees.
      3. Participation in training programs related to environmental management and best practices is a key obligation for employees to enhance their environmental awareness and compliance.
      4. Employees must implement measures to reduce waste generation, conserve energy, and utilize natural resources efficiently in their daily operations.
      5. Supporting and complying with national and international environmental regulations and initiatives is essential for employees to ensure legal adherence and promote environmental sustainability.
      6. It is imperative for employees to report any environmental concerns or practices that may harm the environment promptly to their supervisor.
      7. Employees are expected to prioritize the use of eco-friendly materials and processes within their operations to support sustainable practices and minimize environmental impact.
      8. Engaging in initiatives that promote sustainability.
    3. Supplier environmental obligations:
      1. Suppliers engaged with Longavia are obligated to comply with specific environmental responsibilities outlined in this Code of Conduct.
      2. Following environmentally responsible procedures and continually seeking improvements in environmental performance are necessary requirements for all suppliers working with Longavia.
      3. Participation in training programs related to environmental management and best practices is crucial for suppliers to align their practices with industry standards and regulatory requirements.
      4. Suppliers must implement measures to reduce waste generation, conserve energy and optimize natural resource utilization to promote resource efficiency and minimize environmental harm in their operations.
      5. Supporting and adhering to national and international environmental regulations and initiatives is a fundamental expectation for suppliers to demonstrate their commitment to environmental stewardship and legal compliance.
      6. Reporting any environmental concerns or practices that may pose harm to the environment is a vital responsibility for suppliers to ensure transparency and accountability in environmental management practices.
      7. Prioritizing the use of eco-friendly materials and processes within their operations is imperative for suppliers to support Longavia's sustainability efforts and drive positive environmental change in the industry.
      8. Engaging in sustainability initiatives.
    4. Longavia is dedicated to continuous improvement in environmental sustainability practices and encourages innovation to minimize environmental impact.
    1. The basis of our relations with employees and suppliers is mutual respect, integrity, and cooperation. Each individual and organization must:
      1. Exhibit professionalism, ensuring that their actions do not harm Longavia’s reputation.
      2. Avoid conflicts of interest by disclosing any relationships or activities that could compromise their impartiality or objectivity.
      3. Follow ethical behavior guidelines at all times, both during and outside working hours, to maintain the company’s esteemed reputation. 
      4. Interact with colleagues, customers, and partners with courtesy, respect, and fairness. 
      5. Participate in regular training and development programs to stay updated with industry best practices and corporate policies.
    2. Demonstrating loyalty to Longavia is exemplified through various actions and behaviors. This includes understanding and actively supporting the company's goals and objectives, aligning personal efforts with the broader mission of the organization. 
    3. Employees exhibit loyalty by executing their duties in an ethical, transparent, and competent manner, upholding high standards of professionalism in all their work. Adhering to well-defined behavioral guidelines during interactions with customers, partners, and public institutions showcases their commitment to representing Longavia with integrity and respect. 
    4. Additionally, employees display loyalty by promptly reporting any observed unethical or illegal activities to the appropriate authorities within the company, contributing to a culture of transparency and accountability.
    5. Longavia rigorously condemns all forms of discrimination. Decisions related to employment and partnerships are based solely on personal competence and honesty, devoid of bias regarding race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, disability, ethnicity, or age.
    1. Longavia is committed to upholding internationally recognized human rights and labor standards. All employees and suppliers must:
      1. Treat all individuals with respect and dignity, ensuring a workplace free from discrimination and harassment.
      2. Ensure that no child labor or forced labor is used in any part of our operations or supply chain.
      3. Support the freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining in accordance with local laws. 
      4. Provide fair wages and benefits that meet or exceed legal standards, and foster a safe and healthy working environment.
    2. We are committed to maintaining safe working conditions and upholding fair labor practices in compliance with international standards.
    3. For detailed guidelines and procedures related to human rights, employees and suppliers should refer to the Longavia Human Rights Policy.
    1. Longavia emphasizes relationships with customers, partners, and public institutions that are built on foundations of respect, integrity, and mutual trust. 
    2. All employees and suppliers are expected to conduct themselves with the utmost professionalism and ethical consideration in every interaction. It is imperative that they actively prevent and report any instances of corruption, unethical behavior, or legal violations to the designated compliance officer or management.
    3. Maintaining transparency and honesty in all communications and transactions is a core requirement. 
    4. Employees and suppliers are tasked with prioritizing the needs and expectations of customers, aiming to surpass their standards through continual service enhancements. 
    5. Employees and suppliers are encouraged to cultivate long term mutually beneficial partnerships with collaborators while upholding ethical standards in their engagements.
    6. All interactions with customers, partners, and public institutions should reflect our commitment to integrity and ethical business practices.
    1. Longavia believes in engaging in fair competition, adhering to the principles of honesty and mutual respect. 
    2. Employees and suppliers are required to conduct competitor intelligence gathering using solely lawful and ethical methods. 
    3. In the event of disputes, the emphasis is on resolving conflicts through constructive dialogue, negotiation, and a willingness to find mutually beneficial resolutions. Moreover, a fundamental aspect of this ethos involves refraining from disparaging competitors; rather, the focus should be on showcasing the strengths and unique value propositions of Longavia's services. 
    4. By fostering a positive and professional business environment through respectful engagement with competitors, Longavia aims to uphold its commitment to ethical conduct and integrity in all aspects of its operations.
    5. We believe in fair competition and encourage our employees and suppliers to compete ethically while showcasing the strengths of our services.
    1. 10.1.Maintaining confidentiality and facilitating accurate communication are fundamental aspects of operating within Longavia. 
    2. 10.2.Employees and suppliers are mandated to uphold strict guidelines in this regard. Employees and suppliers must:
      1. Protect sensitive information diligently and refrain from unauthorized disclosures. 
      2. Engage in public and media communications only through authorized channels to maintain the integrity and credibility of the Longavia. 
      3. Adhere to data protection laws and regulations, ensuring that personal and corporate data is handled responsibly. 
      4. Implement robust cybersecurity measures to protect information systems from threats and breaches. 
      5. Regularly audit and update data management practices to ensure compliance with evolving legal standards.
    3. 10.3.Employees and suppliers are accountable for the responsible utilization of Longavia's IT resources. This responsibility includes ensuring information security is upheld to prevent unauthorized access to data. It also necessitates avoiding the storage or transmission of any inappropriate, illegal, or unethical content. 
    4. 10.4.The usage of IT resources should align with the Longavia's operational and strategic objectives while complying with internet usage policies and data protection regulations. 
    5. 10.5.Regular updates and maintenance of IT systems are crucial to fortify defenses against vulnerabilities and cyber threats. 
    6. 10.6.Active participation in IT security training programs is encouraged to enhance understanding and mitigation of potential cyber risks.
    1. Longavia strictly prohibits engaging in any form of bribery, offering or receiving gifts, or partaking in unethical practices aimed at securing an unfair business advantage. 
    2. Both employees and suppliers are required to adhere to comprehensive guidelines in this regard. They are expected to refrain from giving or accepting gifts or inducements that could unduly influence business decisions or lead to conflicts of interest. 
    3. Prompt reporting of any suspected or attempted instances of bribery or unethical behavior is essential, with a clear directive to notify the compliance officer or direct supervisor. 
    4. Compliance with Longavia’s policies on business expenditures, including those related to business meals and entertainment, is paramount. 
    5. All interactions must be transparent, documented, and conducted in a manner that averts any potential allegations of impropriety, ensuring a standard of integrity and accountability across all business dealings.
    6. Adherence to our anti-bribery policy is crucial to maintaining the integrity and reputation of Longavia.
    1. 12.1.Longavia is dedicated to making a positive impact on the communities in which it operates, recognizing its responsibility to contribute to societal well-being. 
    2. 12.2.Employees and suppliers must:
      1. Participate in and support community initiatives and programs that align with Longavia’s values and goals. 
      2. Encourage volunteerism and positive engagement within the community, fostering good relationships. 
      3. Ensure that Longavia’s operations do not negatively impact the social and economic development of local communities. 
      4. Actively seek opportunities for corporate philanthropy and social investments in areas such as education, health, and environmental sustainability. 
      5. Foster partnerships with local organizations and stakeholders to address community needs and challenges.
    3. 12.3.We aim to make a positive impact on society by supporting local communities and sustainable practices.
    1. 13.1.Longavia is committed to safeguarding the rights and interests of its stakeholders, including shareholders, customers, partners, and employees. 
    2. 13.2.All parties must:
      1. Prevent and report any actions that could harm Longavia’s reputation, legal standing, or financial health.
      2. Maintain the highest standards of ethical behavior, transparency, and compliance with legal and corporate norms. 
      3. Ensure that all business dealings are conducted with the highest degree of integrity and accountability.
    3. 13.3.By upholding high standards of integrity and accountability, we safeguard the interests of our stakeholders and maintain trust in our business practices.
    1. 14.1.Longavia ensures multiple secure reporting channels for employees and suppliers to report any concerns regarding violations of this Code or other unethical behavior. 
    2. 14.2.Reports can be submitted:
      1. Anonymously via post to Longavia, Attention: Compliance Officer, Vilties g. 11, Kuprioniškių k., LT-13279 Vilniaus r., Lithuania.
      2. Via email to the designated address: whistleblower@longavia.lt
    3. 14.3.All reported concerns will be handled confidentially and investigated thoroughly to maintain trust in the reporting process and ensure that whistleblowers are protected against retaliation. Longavia Whistleblowing Policy offers comprehensive protection for individuals reporting any violations of this Code, ensuring that reports can be made confidentially and securely via designated channels. Whistleblowers are protected from any form of retaliation, as detailed in the Longavia Whistleblower Policy.
    4. 14.4.For more detailed procedures and protections, employees and suppliers should refer to the Longavia Whistleblower Policy.
    1. 15.1.Non-compliance with the provisions set forth in this Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary actions, up to and including the termination of employment or business contracts. 
    2. 15.2.The management must:
      1. Ensure that all employees and suppliers are aware of, understand, and adhere to this Code.
      2. Regularly monitor compliance and address any violations promptly and appropriately. 
      3. Establish and maintain procedures for reporting, investigating, and addressing breaches of this Code.
      4. Document all disciplinary actions taken to ensure accountability and transparency.
    1. 16.1.This Code of Conduct is applicable across all entities within the Longavia group and is binding on all employees and suppliers. We also strive to ensure that our broader network of partners and suppliers adopts and adheres to these ethical standards. 
    2. 16.2.The management and compliance team are responsible for the effective dissemination and enforcement of this Code, including regular training and updates for all stakeholders, developing and implementing regular audit and review systems to ensure ongoing compliance with the Code, providing comprehensive training sessions to ensure all employees understand ethical obligations and compliance requirements.
    1. 17.1.By adhering to this Code, Longavia reinforces its commitment to ethical behavior and compliance with legal obligations, fostering a culture of integrity and accountability within the company. This Code also reflects the Longavia’s strict commitment to the enhanced protections provided under the EU law as well as Lithuanian legal acts and regulations, specifically addressing the unique risks associated with the transportation/logistics/freight forwarding sector.
    2. 17.2.Longavia undertakes to ensure alignment of this Code with all other corporate policies (e.g., those related to health and safety, human rights, whistleblowing etc.) and regularly review and update the Code to align with requirements of the applicable law.
    3. 17.3.Longavia acknowledges the dynamic nature regulations and best practices and commits to conducting regular reviews and updates of this Code. Longavia shall conduct periodic assessments of the Code to align with changes in legislation, industry standards, and organizational requirements. 
    4. 17.4.Updates to the Code shall be communicated to all relevant parties, and any necessary revisions will be promptly implemented to enhance the effectiveness and compliance.
    5. 17.5.This Code of Conduct for Employees and Suppliers has been approved by the CEO. Any amendments to the Policy will require approval of Longavia’s CEO.